(…for composers and other curious souls)
‘modern’ clarinets
- clarinet in Eb (Leblanc)
- clarinet in C (Leblanc)
- clarinet in Bb (Buffet Festival)
- clarinet in A (Buffet Festival)
- ‘full-Boehm’ clarinet in Bb (Leblanc)
- ‘full-Boehm’ clarinet in A (Buffet R13)
- German-system (full-Oehler) clarinets in Bb and A (F. A. Uebel)
- basset clarinet in A (Leblanc)
- basset horn (Buffet)
- bass clarinet (Buffet)
- contrabass clarinet (Leblanc) (in Ensemble Musikfabrik concerts or elsewhere you might also see me playing the Musikfabrik contrabass clarinet, which is by Benedikt Eppelsheim)
(I’m not a ‘real’ saxophonist but these come in handy for doubling parts)
- soprano – Selmer Série II
- alto – Selmer Série II
- tenor – Conn New Wonder (ca 1919)
historical instruments
- chalumeaus1 (all at a’=415)
- soprano (in f’) – one by Guntram Wolf, one by Andreas Schöni with ‘d’amore’ foot to e’
- alto (in c’) – by Agnès Guéroult
- tenor (in f) – by Agnès Guéroult
- bass (in c) – by Andreas Schöni
- basson de chalumeau (in F, with thumb keys down to B’b) by Andreas Schöni
- historical clarinets
- at a’=415:
- 2-key clarinet in F by Jochen Seggelke after Scherer
- 2-key clarinet in D by Jochen Seggelke after Jakob Denner
- 3-key clarinet in D by Agnès Guéroult after Scherer
- at a’=430:
- 7-key clarinet in C by Jochen Seggelke after Bühner und Keller (Strasbourg)
- 5-key clarinet in Bb by Peter van der Poel after Lotz
- 12-key clarinet in Bb by Joel Robinson after H. Grenser (with corps de rechange for 5-key setup)
- 5-key clarinet in A by Peter van der Poel after Lotz
- 9-key basset clarinet in A by Peter van der Poel after Lotz
- at a’=440 or a little higher if I push all the joints in:
- 13-key clarinet in Eb by Lefèvre, ca 1830
…some pictures and sound to come.
- 13-key clarinet in Eb by Lefèvre, ca 1830
- at a’=415:
I also have some quite nice recorders at a’=440. I use them for improvisations and free scores; for doubling parts (for example in Richard Barrett’s Opening of the Mouth); and for tootling Handel, Graupner and Telemann purely for my own amusement.
- garklein – Küng, grenadilla
- sopranino – Moeck after Rottenburgh, grenadilla
- soprano – Mollenhauer after Denner, boxwood
- alto – Mollenhauer after Denner, grenadilla
- tenor – Yamaha, surprisingly respectable plastic
- bass – Zen-On, maple
- the standard plural is of course the French one. I don’t see any more
reason to write ‘chalumeaux’ than to write ‘bureaux’, though.